Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wordpress - the business blog

There is no doubt whatsoever that a Wordpress blog should be the way that you go when you create your business blog.
You do not only want people to visit your blog, you want them to visit and then stay, you need them to interact with your site in some way, and hopefully you want them to come back time after time.

Eventually, of course, you want them to become your customer too, but they will not do any of these things if they land on a boring, lifeless blog or website the very first time that they visit.

Using Wordpress is the simplest and quickest way of getting a superbly interactive blog set up that is fully in-tune with the requirements of all the traffic.
So the first thing you need to do is set up your Wordpress blog. You can simply go to Wordpress.org, sign-up and claim your blog.

WP users all over the world have created hundreds of plug-ins and widgets for at you can install into the admin area of your blog (usually free) to add a huge amount of additional usability to your blog.

WP has plugged itself into the open source communities’ ability to create any number of widgets or plug-ins that can massively enhance all of your marketing a conversion efforts, and there is simply no other system around with this level of increased functionality.

In other words, everything that you could ever want to change, alter or enhance
about your blog site can be done by installing the correct plug-in or widget.

here is a list of the plug-ins that I would recommend that you should add to your
WP blog site:
What Would Seth Godin Do? - This adds a note at the top or bottom of your blog post reminding the reader to subscribe to your RSS feed.
AdSense Deluxe - Makes it easy to add AdSense as to your posts and blog site in general.
aLinks - Automatically links keywords in your blog post, so you can link to affiliate products, your own sales pages or basically anywhere you want your reader to go.
Subscribe To Comments - Allows you to tell your post readers when new
comments are posted to an entry. If your posts get some really great conversations going, you want to try to make sure that your readers stay involved.
diggIT – Automatically enables a dynamic Digg button to show up in each post. If your post gets dugg, having a button showing the number of diggs encourages more people to click too, and the more visitors you have already had, then the more you will get as well!
Sociable - Automatically add links on your posts to popular social bookmarking sites. Crucial to add this.
Head META Description – You don’t need to waste too much time knowing
how or why, but this can be a big help in convincing search engines that each
page of your blog is unique.
Tagalize It – Enhances your tagging ability and works very well in conjunction with
Ultimate Tag Warrior – Adds tags to your posts in pretty much any way you
want, and is an especially attractive plug-ins for the major search engines by
all accounts.
WP Cache – As the name suggests, it caches WP files, and can reduce the
load on your database server significantly as well as improving the site load speed.

these are just ten of the plug-ins that I would recommend that you should install
in order to try to maximize the sites attractiveness in traffic terms.

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