Thursday, June 19, 2008

niche blogging

One of the common ways that many bloggers start out in their
entrepreneurial blogging is through a personal and very general blog
that covers many topics of interest. It makes sense in many ways - it’s
simpler to have it all in one place, to manage one set of statistics,
one design, one set of readers etc. Most blogging platforms seem pretty
well set up for this as they allow categories to be created for each
topic being covered.

Whilst it might seem easier to manage one blog on many topics it doesn’t always make good business sense to do so.

There are blogs out there that successful on a business level
with a general or eclectic range of topics the majority of profitable
blogs that I’ve observed have a defined niche that they are targeting.

The success of this approach can be explained on many levels:
  • Loyal Readers - Niche blogs develop a loyal readership who bookmark or
    follow the blog via RSS because they know what they will get there.
  • Specialist Authors - Authors of these blogs have the freedom to really
    focus upon a topic and don’t feel guilty about doing so. This can lead
    to increased quality and depth of articles.
  • Build Credibility and Profile - Blogging on one topic alone can build
    your profile and perceived expertise on a topic or in an industry.
  • Good for contextual Advertising - Ad programs like Adsense seem to work
    better on sites that are tightly focused. You’ll get better targeted
    ads and many believe will attract higher click values.
  • Good for Search Engine Optimization - Search Engines like sites that
    are focused on one topic, that have multiple pages on the one theme and
    that are integrated sites.
  • More posts - You post more if you have 10 blogs on 10 topics
    rather than 1 blog on 10 topics. There is only so much you can write on
    a blog each day without overwhelming your readership. On my old general
    blog I tended to post a maximum of 7 or 8 times per day - if I did any
    more than this readers couldn’t keep up even though I had plenty more
    to say. Now I have 20 blogs - I post less on each one (most get one or
    two posts per day) but overall am adding more content/pages than I used
    to. The more posts you are able to add the bigger your sites are and
    the more potential entry points you have for readers from Search
  • Attract Advertisers - Niche blogs are usually more attractive to
    private advertisers or sponsors who are looking for content to place
    their ads on that is relevant to their product or service.
Since I moved to this approach I’ve gone from 1 blog with 1000 pages
that had around 900 daily visitors and earned just a few dollars per
day to having 20 or so blogs with over 11,000 pages with 25,000 daily
visitors that earns a few hundred dollars per day.

Of course there are other factors that have led to this growth - but if
I had to narrow it down to one factor it would be the niche blogging as
a key.

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